Remember to Rest

Pastor Wayne Braun continues his sermon series on the Ten Commandments - "The Good Way to Go" with his message "Remember to Rest" on 6/17/18 based on Exodus 20:8-11.  "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy" Exodus 20:8.  Sabbath means to retire, to withdraw, to rest.  In Exodus 20:11, God is commanding us to have a sacred time in our lives.  Why? Because we need it!  We are paying a steep price for the lack of Sabbath time.  Hurry is not of the devil, hurry is the devil.  Often times we're worn out and don't know it.  We end up working ourselves to death...worrying ourselves to death.  True Sabbath is found only in Jesus.  Jesus said "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28.   He and He alone has carried our burdens.  Now He invites us to enter His rest.  The Church is to be a place to be real with God and with one another.  God's rest is entered only by repentance and faith. 

Chris Gould